This time of year has a special meaning for all of us. Whether you are of the Christian, Jewish, Catholic or some other faith. This is the time of the year to rejoice, special traditions for family and friends and time to get together with others for religious or friendly gatherings. This is the time of year my wife loves most. The children and grandchildren always would come over and help with the decorations, the candy making and the baking of pies, cakes and cookies. Our young grand daughters (and daughters) enjoy this special time in the kitchen helping with all of the candy and cookies. I think they have a contest to see which one can eat the most as they are made. Later in the evening, we always decorate the tree. All of the children and grand children had their special ornaments that we added to each year. Some of the ornaments were for special events and accomplishments they had achieved in their life like graduation, marriage, the birth of children, special events they have competed in as children and other accomplishments throughout their life. Some of the ornaments pictured our children as they enlisted in the Marines and pictures as they were discharged from the service. Some of the ornaments opened and we would hide jewelry or money in them for Christmas Day. Some of the ornaments had music boxes and when you opened the top they would play carols. All of our children had an ornament with last years family picture and a new ornament for this year’s picture. In this way, we were able to keep track of the growth and shrinkage of our family. As with most families, you find that not all people are as compatible as they believed. We have never had an in-law that was not welcome in our home and they were invited to all family functions. Our children were raised with the concept that we can always agree with others, even if we agree to disagree. There is something good in everyone and this is the way my spouse and I were raised and we tried to pass this on to our children.
This much having been said, I hope to find good in Jamie Dimon, Tom Kelly, and Darryll Johnson. Darryll is the current person I am dealing with at Chase. Tom Kelly is the one that told me 5 years ago he would get this straightened out. Jamie Dimon is the head of Chase Bank in New York. These are some of the people we plan to have give testimony in court. Tom Kelly can testify that he was contacted about this when it happened and did nothing to correct the problem or stop the theft. He was contacted prior to the time that all of our belongings were removed and sold or destroyed. Mr. Johnson can testify that the paper work I have sent him in not in the form needed for a foreclosure to proceed in the manner this one proceeded. I am sure that if I went into their court and made the same claim for their mortgage, any of the three would be furious. Jamie Dimon can give the testimony on how many times this has happened in the past. If we file criminal charges, he would be the one we would file against as the head of the racketeering ring. I want to believe that they were sold because to say they destroyed all of my children’s Christmas ornaments, trees, stockings, and everything else I have shown in the pictures like the pool table, hot tub, furniture, china, china hutches, washers and dryers, desks, computers, jewelry and jewelry boxes, my father’s shotguns and fishing equipment, pictures of Mom and Dad and pictures of my mother-in-law, children, grandchildren, employee’s and their families, basically everything we had in this world, make me think that these people are not human and have no compassion or feelings for other people. Any person, that can walk into a home such as this one pictured, and think that it is abandoned and file a notice with the courts that they can’t locate the owners when the name and address and new phone number are listed in the kitchen on the blackboard for the kids to use has to be one of the lowest and self centered people in this world. Anyone that would steal the toys from children and family memories that can never be replaced no matter haw hard you try, or how much you spend. You can’t bring people back to life for another picture or another game of cards, or for the Christmas Holidays.
You can’t replace memorable items that have been stolen and discarded by a person with that much hate for their fellow man or woman and their family. A person that destroys or attempts to destroy all the bonds of a family as in this case
After you know the owners, have been contacted by the owners and made arrangements for the retrieval of the personal items with the owners, it makes no sense to destroy all of the items shown in the pictures to cover up the theft of the items in the house that you can see missing in the pictures. Bank One Chase, supplied the pictures used in this site and all of the pictures were taken after my phone call and contact with their legal representative. This must be done to cover up the conversion, racketeering, and theft you have committed prior to you gaining legal occupation of the property which is yet to happen.
Attached is the ruling of Judge Doud in Ohio on some of the other cases Chase tried to foreclose on. He shut them down fast because the financial organization in those cases like this one could prove no ownership or right to the mortgage.
Attached is the letter from Chase with their offer to help. When they found out they screwed us, the help went away.
Friday, December 11, 2009
You, the reader need to look at the items that were presented to the Court system and make your own determination on the Ethics of Chase Bank, JP Morgan. Do you really want to do business with thieves and liars in the financial market place of today. Al Capone, John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson would be proud of the way that Chase coerced the Judge into this foreclosure without any proof of ownership, the service of the notice (or lack of service) or the right to bring the suit to court. Please see the papers below. The first one is the one that tells the court that the bank owns the mortgage look at section N notice they left the document number blank and then notice the payment date compared with their right to collect date of November 2000 which was published earlier.
(I) Both the legal description of the mortgaged real estate and the common address or other
information sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty:
24101 N. Tanya Court
Manito, IL 61546
(J) Statements as to defaults: Mortgagors have not paid the monthly installments of
principal, taxes, interest and insurance for 12/01/99, through the present; the principal
balance due on the Note and Mortgage is $215,716.06, plus interest, costs, advances and
fees. Interest accrues at a per diem rate of $62.06.
(K) Name of present owner(s) of said premises:
(L) Names of other persons who are joined as defendants and whose interest in or lien on the
mortgaged real estate is sought to be terminated and alleged to be subordinate and inferior to
the mortgage of the Plaintiff:
(M) Names of persons who executed the Note, Assumption Agreement(s), or Personal
Guarantee which are attached hereto:
(N) Capacity in which Plaintiff brings this foreclosure: Plaintiff is the legal holder of the
indebtedness by virtue of the fact that it is the original mortgagee or, if applicable, by virtue
of the following:
Assignment recorded as document number:
Bank One, N.A.
Facts in support of a redemption period shorter than the longer of 7 months from the
date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors have been served with summons.
or by publication or have otherwise submitted to the jurisdiction of the court, or 3 months
from the entry of the judgment of foreclosure, whichever is later, if sought:
Unless otherwise alleged, Plaintiff will pray for a shortened redemption period after the filing
of the instant foreclosure action by separate petition if a shortened redemption period is
(P) Statement that the right of redemption has been waived by all owners of redemption:
There has been no executed waiver of redemption by all owners of redemption, however
Plaintiff alleges that it is not precluded from accepting such a waiver of redemption by the
filing of this complaint.
Page 2 of 5
The next documents are the sheriffs instructions for service to the defendants Please notice the hand written note on page 2 giving the Banks attorney the location for service to the defendant.
Although knowing the defendants location as stated on the sheriffs report no notice of hearing or suit was served on the defendants at any time. The attorney did however swear to the court that all efforts were used to find and serve the defendants. This is one instance of fraud on the court system. By perpetrating the fraud on the court, the Bank used the court system to deprive the defendants of a fair and balanced hearing as guaranteed by our constitutional rights. They also deprived the defendants of their rights to be safe and secure in their home without unlawful search and seizure. The bank by bringing the fraud on the court in the beginning of the case, actually stops the case at that point. Any thing that transpired after the fact, is vacated in the court when extrinsic fraud is proven to keep a defendant from a fair hearing.
You, the reader need to look at the items that were presented to the Court system and make your own determination on the Ethics of Chase Bank, JP Morgan. Do you really want to do business with thieves and liars in the financial market place of today. Al Capone, John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson would be proud of the way that Chase coerced the Judge into this foreclosure without any proof of ownership, the service of the notice (or lack of service) or the right to bring the suit to court. Please see the papers below. The first one is the one that tells the court that the bank owns the mortgage look at section N notice they left the document number blank and then notice the payment date compared with their right to collect date of November 2000 which was published earlier.
(I) Both the legal description of the mortgaged real estate and the common address or other
information sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty:
24101 N. Tanya Court
Manito, IL 61546
(J) Statements as to defaults: Mortgagors have not paid the monthly installments of
principal, taxes, interest and insurance for 12/01/99, through the present; the principal
balance due on the Note and Mortgage is $215,716.06, plus interest, costs, advances and
fees. Interest accrues at a per diem rate of $62.06.
(K) Name of present owner(s) of said premises:
(L) Names of other persons who are joined as defendants and whose interest in or lien on the
mortgaged real estate is sought to be terminated and alleged to be subordinate and inferior to
the mortgage of the Plaintiff:
(M) Names of persons who executed the Note, Assumption Agreement(s), or Personal
Guarantee which are attached hereto:
(N) Capacity in which Plaintiff brings this foreclosure: Plaintiff is the legal holder of the
indebtedness by virtue of the fact that it is the original mortgagee or, if applicable, by virtue
of the following:
Assignment recorded as document number:
Bank One, N.A.
Facts in support of a redemption period shorter than the longer of 7 months from the
date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors have been served with summons.
or by publication or have otherwise submitted to the jurisdiction of the court, or 3 months
from the entry of the judgment of foreclosure, whichever is later, if sought:
Unless otherwise alleged, Plaintiff will pray for a shortened redemption period after the filing
of the instant foreclosure action by separate petition if a shortened redemption period is
(P) Statement that the right of redemption has been waived by all owners of redemption:
There has been no executed waiver of redemption by all owners of redemption, however
Plaintiff alleges that it is not precluded from accepting such a waiver of redemption by the
filing of this complaint.
Page 2 of 5
The next documents are the sheriffs instructions for service to the defendants Please notice the hand written note on page 2 giving the Banks attorney the location for service to the defendant.
Although knowing the defendants location as stated on the sheriffs report no notice of hearing or suit was served on the defendants at any time. The attorney did however swear to the court that all efforts were used to find and serve the defendants. This is one instance of fraud on the court system. By perpetrating the fraud on the court, the Bank used the court system to deprive the defendants of a fair and balanced hearing as guaranteed by our constitutional rights. They also deprived the defendants of their rights to be safe and secure in their home without unlawful search and seizure. The bank by bringing the fraud on the court in the beginning of the case, actually stops the case at that point. Any thing that transpired after the fact, is vacated in the court when extrinsic fraud is proven to keep a defendant from a fair hearing.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
As we mentioned earlier our children, or some of them also lived in the area. They were mowing the lawn, feeding the cat and the fish. They were forwarding the mail to us as a condition of using the pool and rec room. None of the children while at the home either working or relaxing were ever notified that their was a problem. I have tried to point out prior that the law enforcement people knew us, knew our children, had attended parties at the home and worked in the same office as the sheriffs daughter for 2 years, our office.
This is the way things were all through the year of 2000. Chase Bank got the foreclosure judgment in July of 2000 and still no notice of suit was sent or received by us. No notice was posted on the home or delivered to any of the children as they came and went from the home. In November of 2000, we received notice from Advanta Mortgage our current loan service provider and Bank One (Chase Bank) that Bank One had obtained the rights to service the mortgage note. To quote the letter,
“Except in limited circumstances, the law requires that your present servicer send you this notice no later than 15 days before the effective date of transfer, or at closing. Your new servicer must also send you this notice no later than 15 days after this effective date, or at closing. In this case, all necessary information is combined in this one letter.
Your present servicer is Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA. If you have any questions relating to the transfer of servicing from your present servicer, call the Customer Service Department toll free at (800) 548-7912, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Your new servicer will be Bank One, N.A and it’s acting servicing agent Wendover Financial Services-Corporation. The correspondence address for your new servicer is P.O. Box 26966, Greensboro, NC 27419-6966. The payment address for your new servicer is P.O. Box 70817, Charlotte, NC 28272-0817. If you have any questions relating to the transfer of servicing to your new servicer, call the Customer Service Department toll free at (866) 290-7700 between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Thursday, and until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday.
The last date that Advanta will accept payment from you is November 30, 2000. The date Bank One, N.A. will start accepting payments from you is December 1, 2000. Send all payments on or after that date to your new servicer. Please be sure to write the new Bank One loan number above on your check to ensure proper credit. A monthly bill statement for your next payment due date will be produced whenever a payment is processed. If your payment was automatically withdrawn from your bank account, this service will continue without interruption. “ The letter is attached for your viewing and if you can understand how a bank that has nothing to do with you mortgage (by their own paper work) until November of the year 2000, can file a suit for foreclosure in April of 2000 and receive a judgment in July of 2000.
The sale of our home took place on Jan. 3, 2001. This is barely 30 days from the time we were to make our first payment to Bank One.
Please see the pictures of the rest of the house below. As I have stressed in all that I have written, we had a lot of good times with our children and our grandchildren. All of the places and things we did as a family were well documented in the tons of photo’s and movies. We took all of the children to Hawaii in 1984 and had movies of them feeding the fish in hanama bay, swimming with the fish as they tried to surf with little success.
Pictures of all of our employee’s and their spouses when we did our yearly outing. One was to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Six Flags, Fort Lauderdale, Ron Jon’s Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach Florida, What is now the Hilton Inn in Clearwater Florida. The night we attended the volleyball tournament in Key Largo at Howard Johnson Inn and the cruises to the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the rest of the islands. Our trip to Progresso Mexico and the native ruins in the area was all on film. We traveled a lot of the time in our business and were able to arrange the travel to include family members.
Entrance from the garage. showing tools, freezer. computers, printers, and misc.
As we mentioned earlier our children, or some of them also lived in the area. They were mowing the lawn, feeding the cat and the fish. They were forwarding the mail to us as a condition of using the pool and rec room. None of the children while at the home either working or relaxing were ever notified that their was a problem. I have tried to point out prior that the law enforcement people knew us, knew our children, had attended parties at the home and worked in the same office as the sheriffs daughter for 2 years, our office.
This is the way things were all through the year of 2000. Chase Bank got the foreclosure judgment in July of 2000 and still no notice of suit was sent or received by us. No notice was posted on the home or delivered to any of the children as they came and went from the home. In November of 2000, we received notice from Advanta Mortgage our current loan service provider and Bank One (Chase Bank) that Bank One had obtained the rights to service the mortgage note. To quote the letter,
“Except in limited circumstances, the law requires that your present servicer send you this notice no later than 15 days before the effective date of transfer, or at closing. Your new servicer must also send you this notice no later than 15 days after this effective date, or at closing. In this case, all necessary information is combined in this one letter.
Your present servicer is Advanta Mortgage Corp. USA. If you have any questions relating to the transfer of servicing from your present servicer, call the Customer Service Department toll free at (800) 548-7912, between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Your new servicer will be Bank One, N.A and it’s acting servicing agent Wendover Financial Services-Corporation. The correspondence address for your new servicer is P.O. Box 26966, Greensboro, NC 27419-6966. The payment address for your new servicer is P.O. Box 70817, Charlotte, NC 28272-0817. If you have any questions relating to the transfer of servicing to your new servicer, call the Customer Service Department toll free at (866) 290-7700 between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Thursday, and until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday.
The last date that Advanta will accept payment from you is November 30, 2000. The date Bank One, N.A. will start accepting payments from you is December 1, 2000. Send all payments on or after that date to your new servicer. Please be sure to write the new Bank One loan number above on your check to ensure proper credit. A monthly bill statement for your next payment due date will be produced whenever a payment is processed. If your payment was automatically withdrawn from your bank account, this service will continue without interruption. “ The letter is attached for your viewing and if you can understand how a bank that has nothing to do with you mortgage (by their own paper work) until November of the year 2000, can file a suit for foreclosure in April of 2000 and receive a judgment in July of 2000.
The sale of our home took place on Jan. 3, 2001. This is barely 30 days from the time we were to make our first payment to Bank One.
Please see the pictures of the rest of the house below. As I have stressed in all that I have written, we had a lot of good times with our children and our grandchildren. All of the places and things we did as a family were well documented in the tons of photo’s and movies. We took all of the children to Hawaii in 1984 and had movies of them feeding the fish in hanama bay, swimming with the fish as they tried to surf with little success.
Pictures of all of our employee’s and their spouses when we did our yearly outing. One was to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Six Flags, Fort Lauderdale, Ron Jon’s Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach Florida, What is now the Hilton Inn in Clearwater Florida. The night we attended the volleyball tournament in Key Largo at Howard Johnson Inn and the cruises to the Bahamas, Jamaica, and the rest of the islands. Our trip to Progresso Mexico and the native ruins in the area was all on film. We traveled a lot of the time in our business and were able to arrange the travel to include family members.
Entrance from the garage. showing tools, freezer. computers, printers, and misc.
That door opens up to the kitchen which as you can see was fully equipped.
one of the closets showing the camera's and files
laundry room with washer, dryer and clothes
barn storage of childrens furniture, tools and inventroy for our business
more inventory stored in the barn
Mothers antique china hutch and china, tool chest and tools.
more garge photo showing grandchilds crib, more computer hardware.
Dining area with china hutch, china and silver on top of hutch to the left side is a desk with a message board
Family room off of the dining room
Family room fireplace with pictures and Indian artifacts
Family room doors lead to rec and pool room.
Family room tv and stereo console was filled with movies, tv and stereo system balance of vcr tapes on floor
Master bedroom and master bath with walk in closets and walk out balcony overlooking the pool.
Notice to the left , the jewelry box behind the fan. The walkin closet full of clothes is beside the ironboard.
Master bath area
Please keep in mind all of this property was still in the home and belonged to our family.
Next I will show the fraud involved in this case and what you need to watch out for.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Make a claim for your rights.
One thing that I need to point out is that I have no distinction between black, brown, or white individuals. The reason I mentioned the caption in this way, this is the class of people that Chase had decided to bring the most foreclosures and illegal debt notices against. It was during this time that Chase lost a suit with their legal counsel (the same one that filed this) against a class action for collection fraud and illegal credit practices in foreclosures. Most were done to single parents or married and single signatures on the mortgage note. This was noted in the cases reviewed on the internet, not from Chase’s records.
On with the story and how Chase steals a home.
The pool area was finished and we were once again enjoying our children and our grandchildren. Our daughters were busy having children of their own. Our middle daughter had a little girl that had inherited her temperment. Although a very good baby, she was very independant (like her mother) and we enjoyed her and her mother when they stayed with us. Our youngest daughter recently married and had a new baby boy.
After work, grandpa and the boy would sit and watch the news and a movie. The boy soon earned the name of Stinky. Every night we would sit on the sofa and watch tv, he would mess his pants and I would have to get his mother to change him. By this time I was out of the diaper mode. This made life interesting and even 10 years later, this grandson is known as stinky. Now with a total of 12 grandchildren, we have a lot to look back at over the years. Most of the good times, the busy times, and the bad times were comemerated in photographs and movies. The time the 5 year old chased grandma with the salamanders he dug up, or the frogs he found.
Our business had done well enough that all the work done to build the pool, furnish the playroom and stock the bar was paid for out of our pocket. This was our first mistake. We should have financed the work on the house and saved the income to grow the company. We had a customer that was interested in injection molding equipment and setting up a plastics facility. This was something we were very knowledgeable on. We had recently helped sell off the assets of Playschool in Moscow Tn. And we had recently purchased the assets of one plastics plant from Sta-Right Corp in Wisconsin. We were selling plastic molders, compounding lines and extrusion equipment all over the country. We felt very confident that we could complete this transaction. This sale was going to be very cash intensive and require a lot of capital to purchase the items needed to fulfill the purchase order requirement. As most people are aware, a bank loans against your available credit limit. All items that are liabilities count against what you may finance. At this time, we owed very little on our property (under 80,000.) the property had an appraisal of over 350,000.00 and all furnishings belonged to us with no finance against any of it.
This included the 1964 ½ Mustang, The Chevrolet Conversion Van, and my Lincoln Town Car.
I did have my Lincoln Mark 8 and my wife’s new Mitsubishi financed with Bank One at this time. In order to increase my borrowing power, we decided to refinance the home and put it into my wife’s name. This way it did not count against my liabilities. We refinanced the home. We had a contractor install a new roof, windows, and a new front entrance door. (see pictures). The balance of the funds, were used to execute the 5 million dollar purchase order from Green Earth Technology. I went to Bank of New York and borrowed 1,100,000.00 for a manufacturing facility located in Illinois. The facility needed extensive repairs and cost us another 350,000 for repairs. We next moved in the injection molders, from 400 ton to 1000 ton units at a cost of 650,000.00. We also installed a complete reclaim line with a 4 ½ extruder and pelletize system.
We had to install a water re-circulation system for the molders and a vacuum system for the virgin product. The pictures will show some of this. As you can see, this involved a lot of time, a lot of work, and a lot of money. When we received the paperwork on the home mortgage, it was financed with Penn Financial at an extremely high interest rate. We only had the loan for about three months and Penn Fund was no more. The law enforcement officials had arrested the founder and owner of Penn Fund for fraud. (See paperwork) In the next sixty days, we received a notice from Option One. They had taken over the loan servicing from Penn Fund. We then sent our payments to Option One. Within four months, Option One was out and BSC was the new service provider of the loan. This timeframe takes us to Feb of 2000 when Advanta Mortgage became the service provider for the loan. At this point, we were trying to find out what had happened to our payments and when they would catch up to the provider. Please see the letter from Advanta and a copy of the response that was sent certified mail. The date of the letter from Advanta is Feb of 2000. Bank One filed a foreclosure action against the property in April of 2000. Bank One was not the lender, service provider, or was their name mentioned in any of the paperwork that had arrived to date. Nowhere in the paperwork that had arrived, was any notice that the loan had been accelerated, or that a foreclosure suit was in progress. There was never any notice of a lawsuit, foreclosure or pending sale sent to our address as required by law and by our loan documents. I have posted the motto of JP Morgan for the readers to follow as we show how they do not follow their motto and should remove this piece of fictional advertising.
Motto of J.P. Morgan
First-class business in a first-class way
"I have ventured to frame a brief statement of my views on the subject of duties and uses of bankers.The banker is a member of a profession practiced since the middle ages. There has grown up a code of professional ethics and customs, on the observance of which depend his reputation, his fortune, and his usefulness to the community in which he works.Some bankers are not as observant of this code as they should be; but if, in the exercise of his profession, the banker disregards this code - which could never be expressed in legislation, but has a force far greater than any law - he will sacrifice his credit. This credit is his most valuable possession; it is the result of years of fair and honorable dealing and, while it may be quickly lost, once lost cannot be restored for a long time, if ever. The banker must at all times conduct himself so as to justify the confidence of his clients in him and thus preserve it for his successors.
If I may be permitted to speak of the firm of which I have the honour to be senior partner, I should state that at all times the idea of doing only first-class business, and that in a first-class way, has been before our minds. We have never been satisfied with simply keeping within the law, but have constantly sought so to act that we might fully observe the professional code, and so maintain the credit and reputation which has been handed down to us from our predecessors in the firm. Since we have not more power of knowing the future than any other men, we have made many mistakes (who has not during the past five years?), but our mistakes have been errors of judgement and not of principle.The banker must be ready and willing at all times to give advice to his clients to the best of his ability. If he feels unable to give this advice without reference to his own interest he must frankly say so. The belief in the integrity of his advice is a great part of the credit of which I have spoken above, as being the best possession of any firm. Another very important use of the banker is to serve as a channel whereby industry may be provided with capital to meet its needs for expansion and development. To this end the banker can serve well, since, as he has at stake not only his client's interests but his own reputation, he is likely to be specially careful. If he makes a public sale and puts his own name at the foot of the prospectus he has a continuing obligation of the strongest kind to see, so far as he can, that nothing is done which will interfere with the full carrying out by the obligor of the contract with the holder of the security."
J.P. Morgan, Jr., May 23, 1933Excerpt from statement made before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on Banking and Currency of the U.S. Senate.Image: Frank O. Salisbury, portrait of J.P. Morgan, Jr., 1933 (detail). Courtesy of the JPMorgan Chase Archives.
Listed below are your rights and my rights given to us by the Constitution of the United
States. I have listed these for the people who are not aware that JP Morgan and Chase will violate any and all of them if given the chance.
Personal Security (Life):
(1) Not to be killed.
(2) Not to be injured or abused.
Personal Liberty:
(3) To move freely.
(4) To assemble peaceably.
(5) To keep and bear arms.[18]
(6) To assemble in an independent well-disciplined[13] militia.
(7) To communicate with the world.
(8) To express or publish one's opinions or those of others.
(9) To practice one's religion.
(10) To be secure in one's person, house, papers, vehicle[14], and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
(11) To enjoy privacy in all matters in which the rights of others are not violated.[7]
Private Property:
(12) To acquire, have and use the means necessary to exercise the above natural rights and pursue happiness, specifically including:
(1) A private residence, from which others may be excluded.
(2) Tools needed for one's livelihood.
(3) Personal property, which others may be denied the use of.
(4) Arms suitable for personal and community defense.
Non-natural rights of personhood, created by social contract:
(1) To enter into contracts, and thereby acquire contractual rights, to secure the means to exercise the above natural rights.[1,15]
(2) To enjoy equally the rights, privileges and protections of personhood as established by law.
(3) To petition an official for redress of grievances and get action thereon in accordance with law, subject to the resources available thereto.
(4) To petition a legislator and get consideration thereof, subject to resources available thereto.
(5) To petition a court for redress of grievances and get a decision thereon, subject to resources available thereto.
(6) Not to have one's natural rights individually disabled except through due process of law, which includes:
b) In civil cases:
(1) To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place[1] where the issue in question is either a natural right[1] or property worth more than $20.
(2) In taking of one's property for public use, to be given just compensation therefor.
(3) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.[1]
(c) In all cases:
(1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time.[1]
Next, our house is for Sale.
One thing that I need to point out is that I have no distinction between black, brown, or white individuals. The reason I mentioned the caption in this way, this is the class of people that Chase had decided to bring the most foreclosures and illegal debt notices against. It was during this time that Chase lost a suit with their legal counsel (the same one that filed this) against a class action for collection fraud and illegal credit practices in foreclosures. Most were done to single parents or married and single signatures on the mortgage note. This was noted in the cases reviewed on the internet, not from Chase’s records.
On with the story and how Chase steals a home.
The pool area was finished and we were once again enjoying our children and our grandchildren. Our daughters were busy having children of their own. Our middle daughter had a little girl that had inherited her temperment. Although a very good baby, she was very independant (like her mother) and we enjoyed her and her mother when they stayed with us. Our youngest daughter recently married and had a new baby boy.
After work, grandpa and the boy would sit and watch the news and a movie. The boy soon earned the name of Stinky. Every night we would sit on the sofa and watch tv, he would mess his pants and I would have to get his mother to change him. By this time I was out of the diaper mode. This made life interesting and even 10 years later, this grandson is known as stinky. Now with a total of 12 grandchildren, we have a lot to look back at over the years. Most of the good times, the busy times, and the bad times were comemerated in photographs and movies. The time the 5 year old chased grandma with the salamanders he dug up, or the frogs he found.
Our business had done well enough that all the work done to build the pool, furnish the playroom and stock the bar was paid for out of our pocket. This was our first mistake. We should have financed the work on the house and saved the income to grow the company. We had a customer that was interested in injection molding equipment and setting up a plastics facility. This was something we were very knowledgeable on. We had recently helped sell off the assets of Playschool in Moscow Tn. And we had recently purchased the assets of one plastics plant from Sta-Right Corp in Wisconsin. We were selling plastic molders, compounding lines and extrusion equipment all over the country. We felt very confident that we could complete this transaction. This sale was going to be very cash intensive and require a lot of capital to purchase the items needed to fulfill the purchase order requirement. As most people are aware, a bank loans against your available credit limit. All items that are liabilities count against what you may finance. At this time, we owed very little on our property (under 80,000.) the property had an appraisal of over 350,000.00 and all furnishings belonged to us with no finance against any of it.
This included the 1964 ½ Mustang, The Chevrolet Conversion Van, and my Lincoln Town Car.
I did have my Lincoln Mark 8 and my wife’s new Mitsubishi financed with Bank One at this time. In order to increase my borrowing power, we decided to refinance the home and put it into my wife’s name. This way it did not count against my liabilities. We refinanced the home. We had a contractor install a new roof, windows, and a new front entrance door. (see pictures). The balance of the funds, were used to execute the 5 million dollar purchase order from Green Earth Technology. I went to Bank of New York and borrowed 1,100,000.00 for a manufacturing facility located in Illinois. The facility needed extensive repairs and cost us another 350,000 for repairs. We next moved in the injection molders, from 400 ton to 1000 ton units at a cost of 650,000.00. We also installed a complete reclaim line with a 4 ½ extruder and pelletize system.
We had to install a water re-circulation system for the molders and a vacuum system for the virgin product. The pictures will show some of this. As you can see, this involved a lot of time, a lot of work, and a lot of money. When we received the paperwork on the home mortgage, it was financed with Penn Financial at an extremely high interest rate. We only had the loan for about three months and Penn Fund was no more. The law enforcement officials had arrested the founder and owner of Penn Fund for fraud. (See paperwork) In the next sixty days, we received a notice from Option One. They had taken over the loan servicing from Penn Fund. We then sent our payments to Option One. Within four months, Option One was out and BSC was the new service provider of the loan. This timeframe takes us to Feb of 2000 when Advanta Mortgage became the service provider for the loan. At this point, we were trying to find out what had happened to our payments and when they would catch up to the provider. Please see the letter from Advanta and a copy of the response that was sent certified mail. The date of the letter from Advanta is Feb of 2000. Bank One filed a foreclosure action against the property in April of 2000. Bank One was not the lender, service provider, or was their name mentioned in any of the paperwork that had arrived to date. Nowhere in the paperwork that had arrived, was any notice that the loan had been accelerated, or that a foreclosure suit was in progress. There was never any notice of a lawsuit, foreclosure or pending sale sent to our address as required by law and by our loan documents. I have posted the motto of JP Morgan for the readers to follow as we show how they do not follow their motto and should remove this piece of fictional advertising.
Motto of J.P. Morgan
First-class business in a first-class way
"I have ventured to frame a brief statement of my views on the subject of duties and uses of bankers.The banker is a member of a profession practiced since the middle ages. There has grown up a code of professional ethics and customs, on the observance of which depend his reputation, his fortune, and his usefulness to the community in which he works.Some bankers are not as observant of this code as they should be; but if, in the exercise of his profession, the banker disregards this code - which could never be expressed in legislation, but has a force far greater than any law - he will sacrifice his credit. This credit is his most valuable possession; it is the result of years of fair and honorable dealing and, while it may be quickly lost, once lost cannot be restored for a long time, if ever. The banker must at all times conduct himself so as to justify the confidence of his clients in him and thus preserve it for his successors.
If I may be permitted to speak of the firm of which I have the honour to be senior partner, I should state that at all times the idea of doing only first-class business, and that in a first-class way, has been before our minds. We have never been satisfied with simply keeping within the law, but have constantly sought so to act that we might fully observe the professional code, and so maintain the credit and reputation which has been handed down to us from our predecessors in the firm. Since we have not more power of knowing the future than any other men, we have made many mistakes (who has not during the past five years?), but our mistakes have been errors of judgement and not of principle.The banker must be ready and willing at all times to give advice to his clients to the best of his ability. If he feels unable to give this advice without reference to his own interest he must frankly say so. The belief in the integrity of his advice is a great part of the credit of which I have spoken above, as being the best possession of any firm. Another very important use of the banker is to serve as a channel whereby industry may be provided with capital to meet its needs for expansion and development. To this end the banker can serve well, since, as he has at stake not only his client's interests but his own reputation, he is likely to be specially careful. If he makes a public sale and puts his own name at the foot of the prospectus he has a continuing obligation of the strongest kind to see, so far as he can, that nothing is done which will interfere with the full carrying out by the obligor of the contract with the holder of the security."
J.P. Morgan, Jr., May 23, 1933Excerpt from statement made before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on Banking and Currency of the U.S. Senate.Image: Frank O. Salisbury, portrait of J.P. Morgan, Jr., 1933 (detail). Courtesy of the JPMorgan Chase Archives.
Listed below are your rights and my rights given to us by the Constitution of the United
States. I have listed these for the people who are not aware that JP Morgan and Chase will violate any and all of them if given the chance.
Personal Security (Life):
(1) Not to be killed.
(2) Not to be injured or abused.
Personal Liberty:
(3) To move freely.
(4) To assemble peaceably.
(5) To keep and bear arms.[18]
(6) To assemble in an independent well-disciplined[13] militia.
(7) To communicate with the world.
(8) To express or publish one's opinions or those of others.
(9) To practice one's religion.
(10) To be secure in one's person, house, papers, vehicle[14], and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.
(11) To enjoy privacy in all matters in which the rights of others are not violated.[7]
Private Property:
(12) To acquire, have and use the means necessary to exercise the above natural rights and pursue happiness, specifically including:
(1) A private residence, from which others may be excluded.
(2) Tools needed for one's livelihood.
(3) Personal property, which others may be denied the use of.
(4) Arms suitable for personal and community defense.
Non-natural rights of personhood, created by social contract:
(1) To enter into contracts, and thereby acquire contractual rights, to secure the means to exercise the above natural rights.[1,15]
(2) To enjoy equally the rights, privileges and protections of personhood as established by law.
(3) To petition an official for redress of grievances and get action thereon in accordance with law, subject to the resources available thereto.
(4) To petition a legislator and get consideration thereof, subject to resources available thereto.
(5) To petition a court for redress of grievances and get a decision thereon, subject to resources available thereto.
(6) Not to have one's natural rights individually disabled except through due process of law, which includes:
b) In civil cases:
(1) To trial by an impartial jury from the state and district in which the events took place[1] where the issue in question is either a natural right[1] or property worth more than $20.
(2) In taking of one's property for public use, to be given just compensation therefor.
(3) To have compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses.[1]
(c) In all cases:
(1) To have process only upon legal persons able to defend themselves, either natural persons or corporate persons that are represented by a natural person as agent, and who are present, competent, and duly notified, except, in cases of disappearance or abandonment, after public notice and a reasonable period of time.[1]
Next, our house is for Sale.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
You find out how true this statement is when you have a recreational area like this one.
When the local pubs would close in the area, we would be invited to our home for an after hours party. The parties never got out of hand but we did have a few sleep-overs that were safer on the floor versus an automobile. We had a fun time and a lot of parties including water volleyball tournaments. (the reason for the net in the picture) By this time our company had grown in size and the rest of the basement was converted to offices (see pictures) the house was done in troweled plaster and stucco walls as were the walls in the basement. This gave the home a look similar to some I have visited in Mexico in the region near Merida and Progresso Mexico. They look very nice but if you rub against them, they will remove your skin. Enough talk about the walls in the house. Our children were busy having children and our employee’s were busy having children. Andrea Walker, the local Sheriffs daughter was one of our employee’s that had recently given birth. Desi and Leon were another that gave birth while employed and Suzy soon after she left our employment. We had grown our company to a total of 12 employees and we were very pleased. We took this from a company that did consulting for about 1000.00 a week to a company that paid 12 people from 20 to 70 thousand a year with bonuses and still showed a profit of 600,000 to 700,000 per year. Our children lived within a few hours of us and we got together frequently for family outings. Our children were also raised on the water as we had a 57 ft cruiser on the local river. As the children were growing up, we spent almost every weekend on the boat. As they left the home, this did not change. We still got together during the summer at the lake about 40 miles from our home. My wife and I enjoyed our family and our grand children. We would take tons of pictures, like when they caught their first fish, trying to bait the hooks, (I don’t know who squirmed the most the kids or the worms.). Pictures of the four year old as we built the pool. Here is one story that sticks in my mind. He decided to help shovel the sand into the bottom of the pool. We had hired local labor to shovel the 10 tons of sand into the pool. As they were carrying the sand, one made the comment that this sure as hell was heavy sand. As my grandson brought his shovel full he said Grandpa, this sure as hell is heavy sand isn’t it. Although not appropriate for a four year old, I remember that today as if it were yesterday. That was 14 years ago. My how time does pass. The children were in and out as they tried to get their lives under control. They would come home bring their furniture and store it in our barn. They would leave and sometimes the furniture would go with them and sometimes it would stay for a while longer. But they always came back home for the holidays. It was during the holidays that the cooking and baking took up most of the day the girls were in the kitchen with grandma. The boys were either playing pool, in the hot tub, drinking beer and telling stories or playing volleyball in the pool and telling stories. We had a very fun family and we all enjoyed each other when we got together. Enjoy the pictures.
Next how we came to be with Chase Bank
You find out how true this statement is when you have a recreational area like this one.
When the local pubs would close in the area, we would be invited to our home for an after hours party. The parties never got out of hand but we did have a few sleep-overs that were safer on the floor versus an automobile. We had a fun time and a lot of parties including water volleyball tournaments. (the reason for the net in the picture) By this time our company had grown in size and the rest of the basement was converted to offices (see pictures) the house was done in troweled plaster and stucco walls as were the walls in the basement. This gave the home a look similar to some I have visited in Mexico in the region near Merida and Progresso Mexico. They look very nice but if you rub against them, they will remove your skin. Enough talk about the walls in the house. Our children were busy having children and our employee’s were busy having children. Andrea Walker, the local Sheriffs daughter was one of our employee’s that had recently given birth. Desi and Leon were another that gave birth while employed and Suzy soon after she left our employment. We had grown our company to a total of 12 employees and we were very pleased. We took this from a company that did consulting for about 1000.00 a week to a company that paid 12 people from 20 to 70 thousand a year with bonuses and still showed a profit of 600,000 to 700,000 per year. Our children lived within a few hours of us and we got together frequently for family outings. Our children were also raised on the water as we had a 57 ft cruiser on the local river. As the children were growing up, we spent almost every weekend on the boat. As they left the home, this did not change. We still got together during the summer at the lake about 40 miles from our home. My wife and I enjoyed our family and our grand children. We would take tons of pictures, like when they caught their first fish, trying to bait the hooks, (I don’t know who squirmed the most the kids or the worms.). Pictures of the four year old as we built the pool. Here is one story that sticks in my mind. He decided to help shovel the sand into the bottom of the pool. We had hired local labor to shovel the 10 tons of sand into the pool. As they were carrying the sand, one made the comment that this sure as hell was heavy sand. As my grandson brought his shovel full he said Grandpa, this sure as hell is heavy sand isn’t it. Although not appropriate for a four year old, I remember that today as if it were yesterday. That was 14 years ago. My how time does pass. The children were in and out as they tried to get their lives under control. They would come home bring their furniture and store it in our barn. They would leave and sometimes the furniture would go with them and sometimes it would stay for a while longer. But they always came back home for the holidays. It was during the holidays that the cooking and baking took up most of the day the girls were in the kitchen with grandma. The boys were either playing pool, in the hot tub, drinking beer and telling stories or playing volleyball in the pool and telling stories. We had a very fun family and we all enjoyed each other when we got together. Enjoy the pictures.
Next how we came to be with Chase Bank
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Mother-In-Law is greatly missed
The project took about three years to complete. My wife, our children, my Mother-In-Law and myself completed the work. By this time, I was put on medical disability from Cat for heart and lung condition. I had previously undergone 4-vessel heart bypass surgery and before that I was involved in a chemical mishap at Cat. This was not that much of a concern at that time as the company we owned, Manito Machinery was doing very well. We needed to finish the basement into offices for our company now that the pool and water line problem seemed to be fixed. See the pictures of the finished product below. We finished the poolroom with solar panels in the roof to automatically heat the pool. We added a hot tub that held six people and redwood cabana, which housed the televisions, stereo, and refrigerator for cold drinks. We installed two baths for men and women with showers, sinks and stools. We added a nice pool table my wife had gotten me for Christmas gift. We also had an exercise and weight area to keep in shape. We included a play area for the grandkids that had their toys, small tables and chairs and bean bag seating. At the other end was the grownup area, full bar, tables full of dishes and server trays, food warmers and stereo speakers to drive the neighbors bonkers. Outside the east sliding door was a concrete patio that held our wooden outdoor furniture, our gas and charcoal grills. We were ready to party with the best of them.
The reason I think this increased the life span of my Mother-In-Law
Sharon had come to live with us in 1993 when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. At this time, the doctors gave her an 8 to 16 month expectancy of life. As we built this area of our home which she was a distinct part of in labor and decoration, we kept her busy on the days she felt good enough to be involved. We had her nail lumber, hold drywall, and paint the floors and screw in the decking on the floor. This was definitely the room that Sharon helped to build. A short story comes to mind. I was installing the rafters for the ceiling from the top of a ladder. I was using an air nail gun to put this together. Sharon was in the house while I was working. I missed the rafter bracket and nailed my hand to the rafter. I t hurt bad enough and startled me enough that I kicked the ladder out from under me. I was hanging on to the rafter for dear life and yelling for Sharon to help me. All the yelling finally got her attention and she came out of the house to see what the problem was. I asked her to first set up the ladder again and then to hand me a hammer. Once I was back on the ladder, I took the hammer and pulled the nail from my hand. I was free to move once more and very thankful for Sharon being there. We finished the project in April of 1996 and in the month of May 1996, my Mother-In-Law requested my wife take her to the funeral home so she could make her own arrangements. She did not want to leave that for others to do. My Mother-In-Law passed from this earth in June of 1996 in her bedroom in this home with my wife and myself holding her hands as she said her last goodbye. As the days and years went on, we did get rid of some of her clothes. They went to the people that needed them the most. The rest of her belongings we had left in her room as if she was coming back home. I don’t believe she ever left the house. I think I could still hear her. All of the kids blamed Grandma when something funny happened. I know they all miss her.
Next the children and their children invade us.




The reason I think this increased the life span of my Mother-In-Law
Sharon had come to live with us in 1993 when she was diagnosed with lung cancer. At this time, the doctors gave her an 8 to 16 month expectancy of life. As we built this area of our home which she was a distinct part of in labor and decoration, we kept her busy on the days she felt good enough to be involved. We had her nail lumber, hold drywall, and paint the floors and screw in the decking on the floor. This was definitely the room that Sharon helped to build. A short story comes to mind. I was installing the rafters for the ceiling from the top of a ladder. I was using an air nail gun to put this together. Sharon was in the house while I was working. I missed the rafter bracket and nailed my hand to the rafter. I t hurt bad enough and startled me enough that I kicked the ladder out from under me. I was hanging on to the rafter for dear life and yelling for Sharon to help me. All the yelling finally got her attention and she came out of the house to see what the problem was. I asked her to first set up the ladder again and then to hand me a hammer. Once I was back on the ladder, I took the hammer and pulled the nail from my hand. I was free to move once more and very thankful for Sharon being there. We finished the project in April of 1996 and in the month of May 1996, my Mother-In-Law requested my wife take her to the funeral home so she could make her own arrangements. She did not want to leave that for others to do. My Mother-In-Law passed from this earth in June of 1996 in her bedroom in this home with my wife and myself holding her hands as she said her last goodbye. As the days and years went on, we did get rid of some of her clothes. They went to the people that needed them the most. The rest of her belongings we had left in her room as if she was coming back home. I don’t believe she ever left the house. I think I could still hear her. All of the kids blamed Grandma when something funny happened. I know they all miss her.
Next the children and their children invade us.





Friday, November 20, 2009
We are Joined by my Mother-In-Law
As I mentioned in the last post, my mother-in-law was just diagnosed with lung cancer. We spent a lot of time in treatment and radiation therapy. It seemed that she had just about given up on life and had no drive or dedication to do anything. It was at this time we decided to try something different. We were in the process of trying to fix the original crack in the outdoor pool. This is the one I spoke of earlier. The pool was 20 foot by 40 foot long and they had poured concrete on all sides of the pool. Just sealing the crack did not fix the problem as we also found busted water pipes under the concrete. The pool was a diving pool (4 foot depth one end 10 ½ foot deep in the diving end ) we decided we had to remove all the concrete around the pool to fix the leaks into the basement. We gave my mother-in-law the opportunity to help with the destruction and new construction of the floor around the pool. She enjoyed getting outside and helping with the work. We brought in a jack hammer and busted up all the concrete around the pool. We then had to locate the broken pipes and repair these to stop the leaks. This had given her a reason to get out of bed each day. The prospect of being useful and needed gave her a new renewed energy. This lady that was having treatments for lung cancer with radiation and chemo therapy was difficult to keep up with. My wife and I decided to take this a step further and enclose the pool so it could be used year round. My mother-in-law helped me on the days my wife worked over at the hospital. Working together drew my wife and her mother closer together than they had ever been since my wife’s birth. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of work in the following 3 years it took to build this structure. This was definitely a spare time project that took a lot of spare time to complete. The pool that had the crack could not be fixed so it would not leak. We took that concrete pool and filled it with sand with the help of our 4 year old grandson and several others. We made the depth a uniform 5 feet. We then raised the outside by 2 concrete blocks and tied in new wooden plate frame. We had a special vinyl liner manufactured to fit the new measurements of the pool. This stopped the leaks into the basement. We then put up the walls and windows. We installed 16, 4 foot by 6 foot windows around the walls and two sets of 8 foot sliding doors for entrance from outside. The room measured a total of 48 feet wide by 98 feet long. This was a lot of extra work, but we got to spend a lot of family time together and we got to enjoy our grandchildren in their young years as they grow and learn.
The picture shown is only one of many from this part of the home. This picture will show some of the blood, sweat and tears that went into this.
The picture shown is only one of many from this part of the home. This picture will show some of the blood, sweat and tears that went into this.
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Review of Our Daily Life
When we moved into the home, there was myself, my wife, one of our daughters and her husband in the home. One of the pictures below of the fire place and family room shows most of the children's pictures. I was currently employed at Caterpillar but on strike, my wife was in nursing at the hospital. At this time, our company which was formed in 1984 had been hired as a consultant to a local fabrication and machine company. We were hired to increase sales of the company. During this time, we worked and helped design a lot of the no till products. We initially got the contract for production of the parts. The company produced about 90% of the no till products in the USA. When our company started the project, the local firm had 6 employees and little production equipment available. In the course of 8 months, the firm grew to 60 employees, several new production machines, robotic welding, and powder coat painting. We were able to deliver and exceed expectations for production. While I oversaw the on site operation, my wife was making the necessary financial and operating decisions at the office, and working full time at the local hospital. We still managed to sell machinery and machine tool accesories during our busiest time. This was in the early 1990's long before computeres were in every market and home. All of the contacts with customers at that time were either in person, or by phone or fax. All the information was then stored in file cabinets and on computer disks. This is how we built our data base records. This will become an important part of our problem with Chase Bank as these are the very records they destroyed, and cost us over $500,000.00 dollars. This is the amount of money we had paid our employee's to make the phone contacts, and build the data base we used for sales. But lets not get ahead of ourself. It was right after we moved into the home that we found out my wife's mother had lung cancer. My mother-in-law was a very stubborn person and would not ask for help from anyone. She had lived in our home several years prior as our children were growing up. She was definately a force to reckon with. She got along well with my parents before they passed away, my father from a brain tumor and my mother, the year before we purchased this home, from a blood clot after heart surgery. I only make mention of this because they lived in Toronto Canada with government run health insurance and when they got sick, we had to bring them to the states to get any treatment. The doctors in Toronto had a six week wait to get a bed for a patient in the hospital. We still had mothers china and silver that was left to us along with the antique china hutch. Other than that, we had memories and pictures of our parents and our children doing fun things. Rides at six flags, fishing in the lakes, boating on the river, Christmas baking of candies and cookies, school plays and sports competition. These are some of the events that we had pictures and movies of. Normal everyday memories that are associated with a home, parents, and raising children.
This picture is of one of the offices in the basement on the home. The basement was big enough that we had a Haloween party that had 157 people and a five piece band and we still had room to party and have fun.
Picture of china hutch, china in the hutch and silver service on top of the hutch and pictures of grand children.
In the nex't section, I will explain how we used the home to give my mother-in-law 2 years of life more that the doctors had thought possible.
Saturday, November 14, 2009



In the beginning, around 1990 My Wife and I purchased this home from a local bank. The home having been built by a local contractor was well constructed. The contractor had seen rough times as a result of the 1980's local ecomony. We purchased the home and its faults. The inground pool had froze and cracked the bottom concrete. The water was draining into the basement and flooding the basement. The walls had to be replaced along with the carpet on the floors, the heat, that air system and the water heaters. We moved into the home after repiars to the basement were completed. The home was around 6000 square feet of space on 2 acres of land. The space was comprised of 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, nursery, formal living room, formal dining room, den, family room, kitchen, and breakfast room. We realy needed the space as we had seven children, 3 boys, 4 girls, and when all were home, the house was full. The basement had been turned into offices for our business. During the construction course, the pool bottom was never repaired quite right and we got a pool of water across the basement floor in the heavy rains. This was something we would have to deal with down the road.
Pictures of the home are attached for your viewing. The first picture is showing most of our childrens photo's and part of the family room.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Chase Bank commits Financial Murder of Female
Follow along with us as we unfold the story of Chase Bank and Bank One and the illegal foreclosure that they did to a middle age, middle class, mother of seven, small business owner and major bread winner. Not only did they foreclose a mortgage they did not own, they trampled the constitutional rights of the people involved. Follow along with us as we lead you over the last 10 years of our nightmare. We will share with you our good times, our bad times, our deaths, and the new births that have given us hope. We will show how Chase Bank created and administered a fraud on the court system, conspired to commit perjury, conversion, and racketeering. We will prove that Chase Bank and their partners in crime stole and removed the personal property belonging to this family without any court document that gave them this right. Can you say violation of constitution. We would encourage any and all of the readers with a similar or like story to add that to the comment section of the blog. By adding these, all people will understand that this financial institution will walk all over your rights for a penny. Be afraid, be very afraid of this institution they will steal from you and bury you and your rights before you know it.
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